Welcome to Mindfulness in Nature
Reboot your mind
Revitalize your body
Renew your spirit
Mindfulness In Nature, LLC, (filing number 221408190050) is a unique program based in Michigan that that blends forest bathing, nature interpretation and energy balancing. The cornerstone of the program is a 1- to 2-hour guided experience carefully designed to lead you into a quantum level deeper understanding and connection with nature and the wondrous being that you are.
Your journey will begin with the senses, allowing the sights, smells and sounds of the woods to soothe and relax the mind. Whereas the mind takes us into the past or the future, the senses automatically bring us into the present moment. Once present, we may connect with the body and become aware of the places where we carry stress and patterns that no longer serve us. We will explore some of the scientific processes fundamental to all life on Earth (such as photosynthesis, what it means to really breathe, the fabulous Fibonacci sequence of spirals, the wonderous Wood Wide Web of mycelium, ...) and how they can help us access and increase joy, creativity and sense of well-being. We will learn from Nature how to compost old, stuck energy to make way for new life.
Each guided nature immersion is a unique experience designed especially for the day, the location and you. Each program builds on prior ones to take you deeper into the mysteries and wonders of the natural world and your own wondrous gifts and life purpose. All information provided is grounded in the science behind the cycles and interconnectedness of all life. Indigenous knowledge is respectfully included to bring wisdom, humility and reverence for the Earth. In contrast to most nature programs that teach about nature, we will be learning directly from Nature: adaptability, how trees and fungi communicate, reciprocity, interconnectedness, symbiosis, the importance of biodiversity, stewardship and the role of gratitude.
With practice, the simple, yet profound art of Mindfulness In Nature will open your heart to beauty, awe and majesty while helping you become more patient, centered, strong and flexible. To learn more about research on the results of similar programs, see the Research & Inspiration page below.
• accessing the senses for deep stress release
• building present moment awareness skills for resilience in times of stress
• climate change anxiety
• harnessing the power of consistent, affirmative self-talk
• using Olympic gold medal imagery for peak performance under pressure
• weight management through mindful eating
• connecting with your spirit guides
• accessing and increasing your intuition
• self empowerment through intention setting
• unlocking the secrets of your destiny
• diving deep into the sacred self through mini vision quests
• grounding and integrating insight and intuition into everyday life
• setting healthy boundaries / how a "yes" is created by saying "no"
Sessions are held at a privately owned, certified bird habitat with a private beach on Lake Michigan near Leland or may be held on your property (within 30 miles of Leland, MI).
The Heart & Mind Behind MIN
Gloria Garrett, PhD, MBA
Mindfulness In Nature, Founder & Director
Gloria Garrett founded the Mindfulness In Nature program in the summer of 2016 in La Jolla, California. She now resides in the Leelanau peninsula in Michigan where she offers private and group sessions and facilitator training.
Ms. Garrett's PhD is in Energy Medicine, bringing mind, body and spirit into balance with the support of nature. Her MBA is from the University of Texas in Austin. Ms. Garrett is a member of the Leelanau Wellness Collective, a Leelanau Conservancy Docent, a Certified Interpretive Guide with the National Association for Interpretation, a Certified Naturalist with the University of California, San Diego Natural Reserve System and a former semi-professional nature photographer.
Gloria offers customized private group programs, 1-on-1 programs for adults and youth and instructor training. For further information, please email Gloria at 1gloriousjourney@gmail.com or call (760) 519-5025.
Please note, Ms. Garrett is not a licensed medical professional. Her program is not a substitute for medical treatment.
Mindfulness in Nature, LLC is a program founded and developed by Gloria Garrett. All MIN written materials and images are copyright protected and may not be copied, reproduced or distributed without prior written authorization.

Services, Fees & Booking

Group Sessions:
Groups of 4-6: $35 per person per hour
Groups of 3: $50 per person per hour
Groups of 2: $75 per person per hour

Private Sessions:
$150 per hour
$100 per hour with purchase of a package of 4 (no expiration date)

Custom Youth Program:
call or email for details

Custom Advanced Adult Program:
call or email for details

Facilitator Training:
call or email for details
To Book A Session:
email 1gloriousjourney@gmail.com with subject line Mindfulness In Nature or call (760) 519-5025.
Sessions are held rain or shine. (Light rain makes the session even more magical!)
100% refund if a severe storm or lightning is predicted.
100% refund if cancelled more than 48 hours prior to walk.
50% refund if cancelled within 24-48 hours before a hike.
No refund for cancellations within 24 hours.
No dogs, please.
"Life-altering experience..."
-Tanya Barstow, 10/05/19
"Gloria is masterful at combining important big picture science concepts with 'forest bathing' type contemplation.... along with helping folks feel that we all are learning from nature (not about it) .....while emphasizing our inter-connectedness with, and importance of all of life on this planet."
-Ann McInnis, 10/05/19
"Gloria is a master facilitator and guide with extensive knowledge of eco systems, a deep and abiding respect for the intelligence of nature, and a highly refined intuitive skill in leading people of all ages into powerful experiences of connection with the world, both within and around them. I learned not only about the plants, animals, and landscape of this unique place, but also how to tune in to the fullness of all that was present. I saw with new eyes and heard with new ears, experiencing wondrous things that I wouldn’t have otherwise noticed or paid attention to. When it came time leave, I felt alive, refreshed, and more peaceful... (I gained) a new perspective on how to settle easily and more consistently into a grounded, peaceful, highly observant place in my daily life. Thank you, Gloria, for helping me to see the world and my place in it with new eyes and a fuller heart!"
-Leslie Cady, 05/06/21
"A bed of pine needles beneath our feet, a bird call on the wind, a smooth rock in the hand ... all take on more meaning and a soothing, revelatory immediacy while on a Mindfulness in Nature walk in the woods. Founder Gloria Garrett masterfully guides us into a world of the complete senses and more: we feel transported to a primal oneness with the very essence of who we are — natural beings who must communicate with, and protect, our earth and all it nourishes, including ... ourselves!"
-Peter Jensen, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, and Del Mar, California, 05/24/21
"This was a truly transformational experience! I learned so much about the trees and the indigenous people. It felt so good to be present to nature. I have been here many times, but never in this way. I know so many groups I want to experience this - college students, parents, teachers, educators...! Thank you for this incredible opportunity!"
-Justine Darling, 09/02/16
"Thank you, Gloria, for the beautiful gift of your mindfulness experience this morning! I come here often to feel the energy, and there are new things that I now will notice and enjoy even more, because of you! I love Black Sage, the Lemonadeberry and the Yerba Santa! Michigan is blessed to be getting you and your gifts with Mindfulness In Nature ��🏼💜..."
-Mikaila Cameron, 12/01/19
Land Acknowledgement
Copied with permission from the Leelanau Conservancy website:
"We acknowledge the waters and lands the Leelanau Conservancy cares for and owns are located on the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg—the Three Fires Confederacy of the Ojibwe, Ottawa, and Potawatomi peoples. Since time immemorial, the Anishinaabeg have lived, worked, honored, and respected these lands. We further acknowledge that the land known today as Leelanau County is comprised of lands acquired under the 1836 and 1855 treaties between the United States and the Ottawa and Chippewa Nation of Indians.
Our recognition of the full history of the land we cherish and work to protect is an expression of gratitude and appreciation to those on whose ancestral lands we reside. We give thanks to the generous care with which the Anishinaabeg, and those of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, have given and continue to give to this land and our Leelanau community."
Miigwech (Thank you)
Research & Inspiration
National Institutes of Health https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5580555/
Association of Nature & Forest Therapy https://www.natureandforesttherapy.org/about/science
Wall Street Journal: Is 2 Hours Outdoors the Next 10,000 Steps? https://www.wsj.com/articles/for-better-health-during-the-pandemic-is-two-hours-outdoors-the-new-10-000-steps-11613304002?mod=e2fb
https://fungiglobalsummit.com/ "Experience the movement: a fungi community that feeds you, heals you, reveals nature's mysteries, helps save the planet, and unlocks the power of mushrooms!" 50+ leading experts, including Paul Stamets, mycologist, author, household name in the fungi kingdom and featured in the film Fantastic Fungi. Find out how mushrooms shaped the course of humanity. Listen as Paul digs deeply into the ineffable (that which is too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words) world of mycology. Paul reveals that fungi learn epigenetically, just like us, eliciting changes in their DNA based on their environment. Also included is Jack Kornfield, world famous author, meditation teacher, and Buddhist practitioner. His talk brings us a glimpse of a world free of suffering and the meditation techniques he teaches to achieve this state. See where Buddhism meets Fungi.
Paul Hawken's new book is out! Re generation is packed with hope, evidence of nature's resilience, displays of human compassion, creativity and devotion, and information you can use to be part of the generation that ends the climate crisis. Did you know that Charmin Toilet Paper comes from virgin boreal forest trees? Yep. Did you kn ow that one acre of existing old growth forest sequesters 40x more carbon than newly planted trees?? It's true. These and other startling facts are well documented in this eye- and hearty-warming book. There are no small acts of preservation, restoration and regeneration. We can do this!
Suzanne Simard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un2yBgIAxYs
The Honorable Harvest https://bioneers.org/the-honorable-harvest-robin-kimmerer-zstf0619/
Seeing Land As Sacred https://bioneers.org/robin-kimmerer-on-seeing-land-as-sacred-bioneers/
Interviewing The Vegetable Mind https://bioneers.org/natures-intelligence-interviewing-the-vegetable-mind-robin-kimmerer-and-monica-gagliano/
ReGeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation and Drawdown, Paul Hawken
Braiding Sweetgrass and Gathering Moss, Robin Wall Kimmerer
How To Walk, You Are Here, Peace is Every Step & This Moment is Full of Wonders, Thich Nhat Hanh
Last Child in The Woods, Vitamin N, Our Wild Calling & The Nature Principal, Richard Louv
The Nature Fix, Florence Williams
Mycelium Running, Paul Stamets
The Hidden Forest: The Biography of an Ecosystem, J Luoma
Seeing Trees: Discover the Extraordinary Secrets of Everyday
Trees, Nancy Hugo
Stirring the Mud, Barbara Hurd
The Forest Unseen, David Haskell